L. van Paddenburgh


Order information

ARAKI, N. - Lucky hole. Taschen Köln, 1997. pb. Nlg 50,--

BASCH, P. - Junge Schönheit. Bonn, 1964. Origi. cl. 66 plates. Nlg 125,--

BASCH, P. - Form & Figure. New York, 1956. cl. damgd dj. Nlg 125,--

BLOK, D. & M. BROEKMANS - Invisible Forces. Den Haag, 1983. Orig. illustrated boards. Nlg 55,--

BROEKMANS, M. - Marlo Broekmans. Schaffhausen, 1989. Wrappers. Nlg 55,--

CLERGUE, L. - Corps Mémorable. Paris, 1962. 2nd ed. Cl, dj. Nlg 295,--

CLERGUE, L. - Née de la Vague. (1968). London, 1970. Wrps. Nlg 55,--

CLERGUE, L. - Nude Work Shop. New York, 1982. Cl, dj. Nlg. 75,--

CLEGUE, L. - Eve est noire. Milano, 1982. Orig. cloth. Nlg 45,--

COIGNY, C. - Ohmes. Paris, 1982. Orig. black cloth. Nlg 85,--

DIENES, A. - Nude Patterns. London, (1958), 1966. Cl, dj. Nlg 95,--

DIENES, A. - Nus. Paris, 1951. Orig. illustr. wrappers. Nlg 75,--

DIENES, A. (a.o.) - Nus. Paris, nd (ca. 1952). Wrappers. Nlg 85,--

DYCKMANS, C. and R. SCHOUWENAARS. - Doods Domeinen. Antwerpen, nd (ca. 1965). Orig. cloth. Nlg 65,--

EVERARD, J. - Artist's Model. London, 1951. Cl, dmg dj. Nlg 160,--

EVERARD, J. - Oriental Model. London, 1955. Cl, nice dj. Nlg 175,--

EVERARD, J. - Second Sitting. London, 1954. Orig. cloth. Nlg 150,--

FREYERMUTH, G.S. and R. FABIAN - Der erotische Augenblick. Hamburg, 1984. Cl, dj. l page missing. Nlg 75,--

FALLAI, A. - Almost one year. New York, 1993. Cl, dj. Mint. Nlg 175,--

GLOEDEN, W. VON - Photographs of the classic male nude. New York, 1975. Cloth, dj. Nlg 155,--

GRABNER, Dr. A. - Die Aktphotographie. Wien, 1959. 6th ed. Nlg 65,--

GOTLOP, P. - The Technique of Nude Photography. London, 1950. 2 volumes, original cloth. Nlg 135,--

GOTLOP, P. - Figure Photography. London, 1952. cl, dj. Nlg 125,--

HAMILTON, D. - Souvenirs de vacances. Paris, 1974. Loose as issued in box with signed print. nr. 1113 of 2500 copies. Nlg 850,--

HAMILTON, D. - Villes-Fleurs. N.p.,n.d. 14 plates in portfolio, loose as issued in box. Nlg 195,--

HAMILTON, D. - Dreams of a young girl. New York, 1971. Cloth, dj. Nlg 135,--

HAMILTON, D. - The best of David Hamilton, (1977) 1979. London. Cloth. Nlg 95,--

HAMILTON, D. - Erinnerungen an Bilitis. Kehl, 1977. Cloth. Nlg 95,--

HAMILTON, D. - La Danse. Paris, 1972. Original cloth. Nlg 95,--

HAMILTON, D. - Sisters. London, 1973. Cl, dj. Nlg 135,--

HAMILTON, D. - Sisters. New York, 1973. Original wrappers. Nlg 65,--

HAMILTON, D. - L'Album de Bilitis. Paris, 1977. Cl, dj. Nlg 135,--

HAMILTON, D. - Twenty five years of an artist. New York, 1992. Cloth, dj. both mint. 316 pp. Nlf. 225,--

IONESCO, I. - Irina Ionesco. Paris, 1979. Illustr. wrappers. Nlg 150,--

Idenale Nackheit. Dresden, 1925, volume 8. 20 plates. Loose as issued. Waterstains not affecting plates. Nlg 95,--

HOLLYWOOD, BRUNO - Art Photography. New York, 1948. Spiral bound. Orig. illustr. wrappers. Nlg 135,--

HERGECOE, J. - Possessions. London, 1978. Cloth, dj. Nlg 95,--

JAY, F. - My best nude study. London, 1937. Original cloth. Nlg 65,--

KEMPEN, W. VAN - Een lens van vlees. Rotterdam, 1992. Wrappers. Nlg 25,--

KÖHLER, M. - Ansichten vom Körper. Das Aktfoto 1840- 1985. Bremen, 1986. Orig. wrps. With: Das Aktfoto 1840- 1986 Sonderdruck Die Pornographie 1840-1980. Bremen, 1986. Wrps. 16 pp. Nlg 150,--

KÖHLER, M. und G. BRACHE - Das Aktfoto. München, (1985) 1991. 460 pp. Cloth, dj. Nlg 125,--

LARCHER, D. and P.O. STEARNS - Six Nymphets. London, 1966. Cloth, dj. Nlg 75,- -

LACEY, P. - The history of the nude photography. London (1964) 1969. Original wrappers. Nlg 45,--

LIST, H. - Junge Männer. London, 1988. Cl, dj. 1st edition mint. Nlg 175,--

MARK, MARY ELLEN - Falkland Road. New York, 1981. Wrps. Nlg 95,--

MARKS, H. Kamera on Location. London, nd (ca. 1960). Cl, dj. Nlg 35,--

Nudes of all nations. London, (1936) 1939. Cloth. Nlg 65,--

OLIVER, S. - Gentle woman. New York, (1977) 1978. Wrappers. Nlg 27,50

OMMER, UWE - Photedition 2. Schaffhausen, 1980. Wrappers. Nlg 35,--

PARK, B. - The Beauty of the Female Form. London, 1935. Cloth. Nlg 75,--

PIRELLI Calendar Album. The first twenty-five years. London, 1988. Original wrappers. Nlg 75,--

RAWLINGS, J. - 100 studies of the figure. New York, 1951. Cloth, dj. Nlg 145,--

RITTLINGER, H. - Das Aktfoto. Düsseldorf, 1960. Cloth. Nlg 125,--

ROYE - Desirée. London, 1942. Cl, dj. Nlg 60,--

ROYE - Canadian Beauty. London, 1952. Cl, dj. Nlg 65,--

SALLE, D. - Photographs 1980 to 1990. New York, 1991. Cl, dj. Nlg 195,--

SACHS, G. - Mirror Images. Schaffhausen, 1982. Cl, dj. Nlg 45,--

SANNES, S. - The Face of Love. Cranbury, 1964. Cl, dj. Nlg 750,--

SAUDEK, J. - Il Teatro della Vita. Milano, 1981. Cl, dj. Nlg 135,--

SAUDEK, J. - Jubilations and obsessions. Amsterdam, 1995. Original cloth, dj. Nlg 125,--

SAUDEK, J. - The World of Jan Saudek Photographs. Genève, 1983. Cl, dj. Nlg. 155,--

STEINER, A. - Nus. Paris, 1947. Orig. wrappers. Nlg 65,--

STURGES, J. - The last day of summer. New York, 1991. Cl, dj. Nlg 175,--

STURGES, J. - Jack Sturges. Zürich, 1996. Cl, dj. Nlg 160,--

SULLIVAN, C. - Nude Photographs 1850-1980. New York, 1980. Original cloth. Nlg 160,--

VERONESE, M. and S. JACQUES - Nus Académique. Paris, nd (ca. 1952). Original illustrated wrappers. Album bnr. 5. Nlg 65,--

VERONESE, M. and S. DE SAZO - Nus. Paris, nd (ca. 1954). Wrappers. Nlg 65,- -

VERONESE, M. and S. DE SAZO - Nus. Paris, nd (ca. 1952). Original wrappers. Album nr. 2. Nlg 65,--

VILANDER, J. - Akt Apart. Bonn, nd (ca 1960). Cloth. Nlg 95,--

WESTON, E. Nudes. New York, 1977. Cloth, dj. 1st edition. Nlg 245,--

Conditions of Sale

General ordering information: All books subject to prior sale. Prices are in Dutch Guilders (Nlg), postage extra at cost. Order by fax or phone, +3171 5149805 (preferred) or email to NAN.
Cash with order; giro (postbank: 4465276) in the Netherlands.
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