L. van Paddenburgh

Special list of photography books made by WILLIAM KLEIN on the occasion of his 70th birthday on April, 19, 1998

Order information

William Klein. New York. Milano, 1956. 22 x 28 cm. Original cloth, dust jacket in colour copy. 194 pp. Nlg  1950,-

William Klein. Rome. Milano, 1959. 22,5 x 28,5 cm. Cloth, dj, repaired on the back side 3,5 x 4 cm. 190 pp. Nlg  1475,-

William Klein. Moscow. New York, 1964. Original cloth, dj, with edgewear. 26,5 x 35 cm. 184 pp. Nlg  995,-

William Klein. Tokio. Hamburg, 1965. Cloth, dj. 26 x 35 cm. 184 pp. Nlg  795,-

William Klein. Catalogue Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1967. 18,5 x 27,5 cm. 20 pp. Original wrappers. Nlg  75,-

William Klein. Mister Freedom. Paris, 1970 original illustrated boards. 24,5 x 30,5 cm. Plates in b/w and fc c80 pp. Nlg  195,-

William Klein. William Klein: Catalogue. Paris, 1978. Fondation Nationale de la Photographie. 21 x 28 cm. 72 pp. Nlg  75,-

William Klein. Photographs. New York, 1981. Illustrated cloth. 25 x 33,5 cm. 190 pp. Nlg  175,-

William Klein. I Grandi Fotografi. William Klein. Milano, 1982.22 x 29 cm. 64 pp. Plates in b/w and fc. Original illustrated boards. Nlg  35,-

William Klein. Catalogue on the occasion of a retrospective exhibition of William Klein in Japan in 1987. Tokyo (1987) revised edition, 1991. Text in Japanese, English, French. Original wrappers. 30 x 29 cm. 60 pp. Plates in b/w and fc. Nlg  95,-

William Klein. Close Up, London, 1989. Cloth, dust jacket mint. 24,5 x 34,5 cm. 176 cm. Nlg  165,-

William Klein. I citta + i Mondiale. Milano, 1990. Cloth, dust jacket mint. 24,5 x 34,5 cm. 176 pp. Nlg  195,-

William Klein. In the Light of Hours. 1991, n.p. 28 x 32 cm. 26 pp. Fashion photography for Umberto Ginocchietti. Text in German and English. Cloth and dust jacket. Nlg  175,-

Conditions of Sale

General ordering information: All books subject to prior sale. Prices are in Dutch Guilders (Nlg), postage extra at cost. Order by fax or phone, +3171 5149805 (preferred) or email to NAN.
Cash with order; giro (postbank: 4465276) in the Netherlands.
Major Credit Cards accepted.

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